Glocks for Tots! Campaign


Arming the Innocent

The Senator, in conjunction with the N.R.A. and the Office of Homeland Security, has been a proud sponsor during Christmas seasons past of this new giving initiative. Based on the very successful Toys for Tots campaign, Glocks for Tots has managed to get real firepower into the hands of our most vulnerable citizens. Now, this initiative will be a year-long drive so that all children can participate, no matter their socio-economic status.

After the horrible tragedy of this past [week, month, year], the N.R.A. has courageously made a brilliant suggestion—that we arm the "good guys" in our nation's schools. But why stop at arming the adults? Who are more "good" than our innocent children?

If you would like to sponsor a child with a generous and loving donation of a handgun, AR-15 rifle, or similar firearm, please contact the Senator as soon as possible for a great tax deduction. 

Imagine a future where P.E. classes are devoted to handgun training and sharpshooting. What could possibly make our schools safer?

